Project 2 - Space Shooter
Product Description:
Name: Vincent Whyte
Timeframe: 18/10/2018 to 20/12/2018
Project Detail:
A space shooter where the player must avoid asteroids that try to destroy their ship. Score as many points as you can by shooting the asteroids in a given amount of time.
Followed tutorials to create the basic game, and completed these objectives on my own:
- Made asteroids spawn with a random speed and scale.
- Implemented and added blocks to the levels.
- Created pickups for lives, doubleshots, and shields. The pickups drop at random times, and at a random x position.
- Re-designed the player using built in unity objects.
- Added a socket to each side of the player to use for doubleshots.
- Added player feedback:
- The player flashes red and becomes transparent when hit by an asteroid.
- Added text popups for adding to the score, losing a life, or getting pickups.
- The game counters' font gets larger, and becomes red to highlight the last 10 seconds of the levels.
- Added an instructions button to the main menu, so they can be read before starting the game.
- Created 5 levels with varying amounts of asteroids, blocks, and pickups. Increased difficulty in the later levels by:
- Increasing the speed range for the asteroids.
- Adding an asteroid to each level after level 2.
- Using less blocks in the later levels, and setting the blocks to take less hits before being destroyed.
Software Used: Unity and Visual Studio.
Final Thoughts:
This was an interesting and enjoyable project to do. I thought it was good step up from the first project, and expanded on concepts like player input, and keeping track of variables across different levels.
Time Breakdown:
Time Estimates : Actual Time Taken:
Setup 10 minutes 1 hours
Assets 45 minutes 8 hours
Player 30 minutes 6 hours
Enemy 20 minutes 4 hours
Menus 40 minutes 4 hours
GUI 30 minutes 4 hours
Level Design 60 minutes 2 hours
Playtesting 60 minutes 4 hours
Bug fixing/Adjustments 60 minutes 3 hours
Build 10 minutes 2 hours
Review 10 minutes 1 hours