Project 4: Mario 2D
Product Description
Name: Vincent Whyte
Time-frame: 26/02/2019 - 16/07/2019
Project Detail:
Build a complete 2D Side Scroller game with players, an enemy, AI, pathing, sounds, menus and traditional 2D game-play elements through Unity’s editor and scripting tools.
Elements added by me:
- Created 3 additional levels similar to the original.
- Level 2 is an indoor blue themed level. Different paths have to be followed depending on whether Mario is big or small, with big Mario having to break blocks and walk along the top. This level introduces moving platforms.
- Level 3 is a grassy level designed to be difficult. There are more moving platforms with varying speeds, and gaps that require well timed sprint jumps to clear.
- Level 4 is a castle level, with lava in the gaps. This level introduces firebars, which are lines of spinning fireballs.
- Added secret areas to level 1 and 2.
- Created a new word balloon sign to mark the pipes that lead to secret areas.
- Created a flag and set up the flagpole. The player gets 100 points for landing on top of the flag, or 50 points for landing on the pole.
- When Mario lands on the pole or the flag, he slides down the pole and runs to the castle to end the level. Points from time remaining are added to the coin total.
- Put in a variety of screen wipes between the menus and the levels.
- Added transition scenes to the start of each level, showing the level number and how many lives are left. Added Mario and Goomba animations along the bottom.
- Added a menu scene, along with instructions and credits scenes.
- Added a lose scene, that gives the options of returning to the menu, or restarting the current level. Also displays the current score and the high score.
- Added a win scene that returns to the main menu. Also displays the current score and the high score.
- Implemented actions for running out of time. "Out of Time" flashes on the screen, and the player loses a life and is sent back to the start of the level.
- Made Mario invulnerable for a short time after being hit by enemies. Mario flashes and does not collide with enemies while flashing.
- Extra lives are given for every 400 coins collected.
- Set up question blocks to have rotating question marks.
- Made it so that small Mario cannot break boxes.
Software Used:
Unity, Visual Studio, and GIMP.
Final Thoughts:
This project had a lot more assets and scripts to work with compared to the previous projects, which made it more challenging. I found I had to spend a large amount of time play testing and fixing issues around things like enemy collisions, and getting deaths and re-spawning to work correctly. I am very satisfied with the result and looking forward to trying the next project.
Time Breakdown:
Following tutorial videos | 38hrs |
Level Design | 27hrs |
Screen wipes and transitions | 12hrs |
Play Testing | 33hrs |
Bug Fixing | 35hrs |
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | Vince Games |
Genre | Platformer |
Made with | Unity |